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Frequently Asked Questions
You can call the number +420 602 181 182, where you can directly contact the employee of the office in Brno, who will attend to you personally, within all our services.
If you prefer to communicate in written form, in both cases, you can send us an e-mail to: info@spolecnostiasidla.cz, and we will write you back.
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You can call the number +420 720 966 700, where you can directly contact the employee of the office in Prague, who will attend to you personally, within all our services.
If you prefer to communicate in written form, in both cases, you can send us an e-mail to: info@spolecnostiasidla.cz, and we will write you back.
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You can choose the main office at Jeremiášova 2722/2a, Prague or at Příkop 838/6, Brno (IBC building).
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We will arrange everything immediately. Arrange the date of your visit with us in advance in one of our offices. We will conclude a contract with you right away, make the first payment in cash, and you will receive the original Consent to the Location of the Main Office.
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Definitely yes. In such a case, we will send you the prepared contract for your signature by e-mail, together with the invoice for the first billing period. After receiving the payment to our bank account and the contract signed by you, we will send you the original of the Consent to the Location of the Main Office in an individually agreed manner then.
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Our main office service includes the designation of the registered office with your name and ID number, management of your incoming correspondence and also the use of the office for the purpose of negotiations with representatives of the tax or trade license office (or labor office, customs office).
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If you wish to use the office for business meetings with your business partners, then we will provide you with space in the short-term use of the meeting room. This meeting room rental is charged at CZK 300 / hour + VAT, both in Brno and in Prague, regardless of the address for which you have arranged a seat service with us. However, it is always necessary to ask us in advance about availability and book an appointment.
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We usually conclude the Main Office Contract for an indefinite period. However, if you wish to set the period of the contractual relation individually, e. g., for a few months, this is also possible. Call us for more information.
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You can terminate the Main Office Contract, concluded with us for an indefinite period, at any time within its duration, even without giving a reason. However, it is always necessary to send us the cancellation of the contract in written form, signed by the executive of your company. We will confirm the receipt of the cancellation by e-mail. From the first day of the month following the delivery of the notice, the three-month cancellation period, given by the contract, starts, and after its expiration, the contractual relationship ends automatically.
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Yes. The price of scanning the received mail in the usual amount (up to 10 pieces of mail per month) is charged a lump sum of CZK 100/month. We can also provide you with correspondence scanning for a definite period if you need to use it, for example, only once for a certain number of months.
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We do not scan the envelopes. We will open the received letter for your company discreetly, scan the whole content and send it to you in PDF format to the e-mail address you had provided. So, you have unabridged information of the received mail’s content at your disposal, not just the scanned envelope. The original documents of the letter’s content are deposited at us for your later collection.
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Yes, you can. Call us for more information.
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Within the duration of the contractual relation, you will always receive all invoices and other accounting documents by e-mail to the e-mail address you will provide for this purpose. You can enter more than one address, for example, simultaneously, to your assistant, accounting company, etc., and you can add and remove them by announcing the change continuously.
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You will always find all the information on the payment method in detail in our accompanying e-mail with each invoice sent by us. We prefer payment to our bank account. However, at your request, we can arrange individually to pay in cash at our office.
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Yes, we state these service prices without VAT, so a VAT of 21 % will always be added.
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Establishment of a new company s.r.o. as part of our ongoing SALE includes a consultation and setting up the structure of your company, checking the permeability of the name of your choice for a new company and processing documents for the establishment of s.r.o. in writing for transmission to your notary.
We will also prepare a Seat Agreement for you and an important document Consent to the location of the seat with a verification clause.Load More
You will not really pay anything for the services mentioned in the previous question to our company. To this extent, our work is free for you.
You will pay the notary and legal fees to a notary of your choice. The exact amount of these costs will be communicated to you by a specific notary. You will also then pay a fee to the trade licensing office, which you will find a more detailed description in the questions below.
You will only pay the registered office service to our company upon signing the Headquarters Agreement. And even here we have a bonus for you in the form of 3 months of free services.
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We will debate all the information with you in a personal meeting or send them by e-mail in advance.
These are mainly the following information: chosen company name, main office address, line of business – trade you will pursue, statutory body – the executive person, the way of negotiation – for example, if in the case of several executives, each of them acts individually or jointly, the company’s partner, the amount of registered capital.Load More
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You can register selected trades at any Trade Licensing Office in the country. The administrative fee you will pay on the spot when registering the trade is CZK 1,000.
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Legal entities registered in the Commercial Register, ie for example limited liability companies, are assigned an ID number by the relevant registration court. You will see your ID number registered on the justice website immediately after the registration of your new company in the Commercial Register.
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You will receive the password to the data box automatically, in the form of a registered letter from the Ministry of the Inferior to the permanent address of the company’s executive after the new company has been registered in the Business Register, usually within one week after your new Ltd. has been registered.
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Both documents take the form of a notarial deed. The difference is that the Founding Document is drawn up if the company is established by only one person (one associate). If the company is established by more than one person (more associates), the Memorandum of Association is concluded, which regulates relations within the company at the same time.
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Ready-made is a company, Ltd. in our case, which we established by the Notarial Deed, which we registered with an unqualified trade and paid the registered capital fully. You can conveniently and at any time verify the existence and setting of each of our ready-made companies in the Business Register here: https://or.justice.cz/ias/ui/rejstrik-$firma
In the Book of Documents on the justice website, you can also find entered the Memorandum in the form of Notarial Deed, where you can read the entire structure setting of the particular ready-made company. The ready-made company has an active data box, too. However, it does not perform any activity, has no business history, no receivables nor debts, and is waiting for the assignment of share to a new associate – future businessman (or businesswoman 😊).
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We will charge you the price of CZK 9,900 if you keep the the address of transferred s.r.o. in the Commercial Register and you will use the variant of our registered office COMFORT or EXCLUSIVE with an annual (or 3-year) payment period.
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Of course, you can change the company’s setting at any time in the future, according to your needs. To change the wording of the Memorandum, such as the name, main office municipality, number of executives, number of associates, increase in the registered capital, it is necessary to draw up a notarial deed. At the moment, we, therefore, offer our ready-made companies with no changes in order to simplify and speed up the sale process to a future entrepreneur. They are prepared only for the change of the executive and associate. For example, if you wish to have your own company name, main office, more associates, more executives, higher registered capital immediately, we will be happy to establish a new Ltd. company tailor-made for you. Call us for more information.
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We will debate all the information with you in a personal meeting or send them by e-mail in advance.
These are mainly the data on the new executive and associate (first name, surname, date and place of birth, address of permanent residence, nationality).
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Primarily, prepare your valid ID. Persons with permanent residence outside the Czech Republic will need an extract from the Criminal Record from their home country (the country where they have a permanent residence) translated into Czech (the translation does not apply to Slovak citizens).
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We will arrange for you the filling of the Proposal for Registration of Chances with all the necessary attachments, including the payment of a court fee, to the locally competent Register Court. The amount of the court fee is listed on our website.
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Klientské centrum Brno
Příkop 6 – Budova IBC
602 00 Brno
Tel.: +420 602 181 182
E-mail: info@spolecnostiasidla.cz
Klientské centrum Praha
Jeremiášova 2722/2a
155 00 Praha 13
Tel.: +420 720 966 700
E-mail: info@spolecnostiasidla.cz